Lip Balm
This lip balm is made with some organic ingredients, but all 100% natural ingredients. The ingredients include pure beeswax, almond and olive oil, cocoa butter, honey, vitamin E oil, and one of the following (depending on which lip balm): essential oil, flavoring, cinnamon, menthol, or cocoa. Each lip balm is hand made and tested to perfection.
We're sure that we aren't the only ones who have kids that love to eat chapstick. Although our lip balms are not made for consumption, you can rest assured that if your little one gets into your purse and takes a bite, they will not be consuming any harmful ingredients.
This product is enjoyed by both men and women.
*Bulk lip balm's are perfect for any occasion! Wedding, Shower, Birthday, Thank You, Christmas Gift, Gift Basket, and so much more. Be creative and save money by buying unlabeled lip balm's in bulk. It's easy and fun to create your own label!